Message from the MYP Coordinator

It is my privilege to welcome you to Lady Andal School, a place of learning in the very broadest sense, characterized by its four pillars of Legacy, Global Outlook, Personalized Learning and Innovation.

The next generation is growing up in a world full of promise, choice and possibility. As leaders in education, we must realize the need to empower students to transcend traditional learning and equip them with real-world skills.

As we aspire to become an IB World School, we seek to develop in our students, an appetite for learning, confident intellectual and social versatility. Our students are critical and creative thinkers, empowered by inquiry-led learning and an expectation that they will be independent learners who create meaning from their experiences. With such an academically rigorous programme, our students are ready to pursue unimagined careers and face unprecedented opportunities and challenges.

Our inspiring educators are well-equipped to establish a culture of ideation and innovation. We are committed to an academically ambitious curriculum, alongside an imaginative and wide-ranging co-curricular programme, in which every individual can find their passion and areas of expertise.

The end goal of this journey that we have embarked on, is to partake in the joy of our students rediscovering an ignited passion towards learning and our dear patrons experiencing this paradigm shift in education.

I hope you enjoy reading more about Lady Andal School and witness the transformational journey of these young minds as gamechangers who will shape the world as we know it!

Mrs. Shalini M Easwardas